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Article (Item) Master Data

Article master data is information about products and their properties that is exchanged between trading partners. In a modern logistics chain, master data in electronic form is indispensable and a prerequisite for the product listing process of most retail companies - in other words, for being included in the range of products offered by a retail chain.

Article (Item) Master Data Transmitted

We use GDSN to transmit master data. All product data is stored, managed, and released centrally in a data pool. You can make your product information available to all connected trading partners or select individual ones, for example, by target market or GLN

Product Listing

A product listing is an entry in the catalogue of a retailer. Master data is provided almost exclusively in electronic form. This is usually a prerequisite for a listing with large retail chains to be included in the goods catalogue. 


Global Location Number (GLN) can be used by companies to identify their locations, giving them complete flexibility to identify any type or level of location required. For example, the GLN can be assigned to a physical location such as Factory, Cold storage within a warehouse. Or to a legal entity, such as corporation, government body.

Target Market

Target Market defines where a manufacturer places its products on the market. To identify which country an article should be traded in, using a country code which is the Target Market.


GDSN stands for Global Data Synchronization Network (GDSN). With the GDSN, product master data is exchanged globally between suppliers and their customers. The data only needs to be entered into one single data pool. The GDSN connects 30 certified data pools worldwide to which almost 25,000 companies are connected. There are key fields to uniquely identify articles in the GDSN. Some of these key fields are the GTIN, the GLN, the Target Market, and GS1 Global Product Classification.


The GTIN is a unique product ID. It consists of 14 numeric characters that identify not only the item itself, but also its packaging units. This means the basic unit, the carton or the pallet. The GTIN is encoded by barcode. By reading the barcode, companies can process information about products efficiently and centrally. 

A GTIN can be ordered quickly and easily by any GS1 Member organization.


The Global Product Classification (GPC) standard helps trading partners to group products in the same way anywhere in the world. The building block of GPC is a brick, and the highest level of the classification is a segment. The lowest level of the classification system is called a brick attribute, it is defined as a particular product detail. For example, you can define a bottle of milk belongs to food, beverage, and tobacco segment. You can also specify whether this milk contains animal milk such as cow or non-animal milk such as rice.


A Unique Device Identification. UDI standards are supporting globally uniform labeling of medical devices and are intended to improve patient safety and healthcare business processes ensuring greater market transparency, better traceability.

Global Registry

It is the central directory to make the search for a specific item as easy as possible. By the registration of articles, and parties (data senders, data receivers), data pool interoperability and Catalogue Item uniqueness (GTIN, GLN, TM) are achieved

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